Hearing aids are available from a variety of manufacturers including:
Starkey, Oticon, Phonak, Bernafon, Siemens, Unitron, Widex, Sonic, ReSound..
Each manufacturer offers a range of products covering a wide price range.
The price of the hearing aid is determined to some extent by the style (e.g. very small hearing aids are more expensive than larger hearing aids) but most of the differences in price are determined by the level of technology in the device. As the level of sophistication goes up, so does the price.
More expensive (and typically more sophisticated) hearing instruments will generally:
Perform better in background noise
Have better sound quality
Have more adjustability
Have more features (e.g. multiple programs, special features for use with cell phones, etc)
So which hearing aid is for you?
So how do you know which product is right for you? At Hearing Health, we will sit down with you and discuss your needs to ensure we choose the right product for your lifestyle, your hearing loss and your financial considerations.
Typical Hearing Aids Cost
Hearing aids typically cost from about $900-$3500 each. However, assistance is provided for every resident of Ontario. The Assistive Devices Program administered by the Ontario Ministry of Health provides a grant of up to $500 per ear to help pay for hearing aids. This amount is deducted from your total bill and we bill the program directly.
For more information on this program, please visit the Assistive Devices Program website.
Hearing Health is an authorized vendor for the Assistive Devices Program.